Dynamically crack-bridging OS floor coating

Surface protection system based on OS 11a for a high-traffic underground car park in Allach, Germany.

Assignment and requirements

In underground garages, the right surface protection system ensures longevity, durability and protection of the building structure. In this much frequented car park in Allach, Germany, we had to install a coating that met the requirements for resistance to chemical and mechanical loads, while also being able to bridge the cracks in the concrete.

Particularities and challenges

Due to the high volume of traffic, the aisles and parking bays of the multi-storey car park required a dynamic crack-bridging surface protection coating to counteract the increased risk of cracking and to withstand penetrating liquids or chemicals such as de-icing salt, engine or transmission oils and fuels.

The abrasion-resistant and robust surface is designed for the mechanical loads that occur in the automotive sector and largely prevents signs of wear.

The solution

The OS 11a surface protection system with its elastic, dynamically crack-bridging floating layer made of KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 5550 is particularly suitable for such requirements. The deformable wear coat KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 5560 can resist high mechanical stress.

A slightly non-slip surface of class R11 is created by scattering the wearing layer in excess with quartz sand KLB-Quarzsand 0.3/0.8 mm and sealing it with top sealer KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 5570. The latter is light-stable and suitable for use on weather-exposed parking decks.

The project

Category: Underground parking garage
Area size: 2,500 m²
Area type: Driveways and parking spaces used by motor vehicles
Completion: January 2022

Build-up of system

  1. Top sealer KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 5570
  2. Wearing layer with KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 5560, scattered in excess with quartz sand KLB-Quarzsand 0.3/0.8 mm
  3. Floating layer with KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 5550
  4. Scratch coat with KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 5530
  5. Primer KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 5520
The object shown has a special build-up. The installation technique and product composition for this flooring was developed and implemented by our customer. The tested and proven KLB systems provide a reliable basis for many such out-of-the-ordinary applications. For special circumstances or if you have individual design requirements, you can also optionally supplement or adapt our systems with other products from our high-quality portfolio. KLB consultants will be happy to answer any technical questions you may have. You can find KLB systems recommended by us on our website at: www.klb-koetztal.de/en/systemfinder

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More references

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