Product Finder

The right product for every requirement and challenge.

You are looking for a single product with very specific characteristics or for a particular purpose? Then our comprehensive portfolio can help you to find precisely what you need.

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Bildschirm-Screenshot des Systemfinders auf der Homepage vor blauem Hintergrund
A customised floor system for your project.

Configure your individual floor system so it is tailored to your project’s specific demands. If there should be several options available, you can compare the systems in more detail.

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System Comparison

Find the best among many options.

There is not always just one solution for your project. This tool helps you to find out quickly which KLB system best meets your special requirements, and shows you every possible alternative.

Compare systems
Sample tenders for our coating systems.

Making work a little easier: provides you with a large number of prepared tender documents for every project type and requirement.

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Bildschirm-Screenshot des Produktfinders auf der Homepage vor blauem Hintergrund

Floor Designer

Try out and find your favourite design.

KLB floor systems do not only offer a wide variety and choice of functional solutions. Also when it comes to visual appearance, there are hardly any limits set to your creativity and individuality. Just get in and try it out. Have fun!

Get to the Floor Designer
Bildschirm-Screenshot des Produktfinders auf der Homepage vor blauem Hintergrund

To ensure that everything goes well

Please find below our user guides and step-by-step instructions to facilitate the handling of our products.

Cleaning recommendations for commercial and industrial flooring

We can give you the following tips for using the right cleaning products and methods for our reactive resin coatings.

Cleaning recommendations for conductive flooring

Our maintenance recommendations and cleaning advice for conductive coatings.

Cleaning recommendations for decorative quartz and marble pebble coatings

For your floor to look good in the long term, all cleaning and maintenance works must be coordinated.

Cleaning recommendations for coverings sealed with FLOOR SEALER

To keep old floor coverings that have been renovated with FLOOR SEALER attractive and visually appealing in the long term, the cleaning methods and detergents must be perfectly coo...


The most important documents can be downloaded here. In case of further questions, please use the contact form or give us a call.

Product brochures
Product brochures

Here you will find our KLB product brochures in PDF format. Feel free to download the information material on our individual products or product groups.

Product flyer: statically crack-bridging EP 5590, tested as OS 8 system

When used as surface protection system, EP 5590 meets all requirements that are posed by the TR maintenance directive based on OS 8. Its crack-bridging capability means that cracks...

ESD Boden in einer Produktionshalle für elektronische Bauteile
Product flyer: PU 813 EL+/ESD for subsequent conversion into an electrically conductive floor

KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 813 EL+/ESD facilitates the installation of floorings that fulfil ESD or EX requirements and protect against personal charging. Can also be used for refur...

Naturquarzsand NQS 4700 AS als Alternative für Siliciumcarbid
Product flyer: NQS 4700 AS as alternative to silicium carbide

The dissipative natural quartz sand NQS 4700 AS is suitable for electrically conductive and slip-resistant coatings and thus provides both technically and economically a good alte...

Product flyer: joint construction with PU 68 Rapid U and PU 466

Fast-curing polyurethane resins for the renovation and formation of load-bearing and accessible block or movement joints within one day.

Special brochures
Special brochures

This is an overview of our KLB topic brochures in PDF format. Feel free to download the information material on our individual products or systems. In addition, you can also find our ranges of KÖTZTALER paving joints, FLOOR SEALER surface renovation products, chemical-resistant CHEMORESIN coatings or car park surface protection systems OS 8, OS 11a, OS 11b, etc.

Overview of KLB products 01/2025

This document provides you with an overview of all available products and systems of KLB Kötztal Lacke + Beschichtungen GmbH.

KLB Processing instructions for joint grouting

Rapid-setting KLB block joints offer robust and elastic solutions for building component joints between two concrete slabs that can be driven over smoothly. As an alternative to me...

Important information: rebranding of CHEMORESIN

Your requirements are our standard – with the rebranding of KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU-BETON to CHEMORESIN PU-BETON. This information is provided to give you full transparency abo...

KLB Kitchen brochure

Coating systems in the catering, kitchen and food processing must withstand special requirements: kitchen floors made of reactive resins have to meet occupational health and safety...

Colour charts and colour effect
Colour charts and colour effect

In this category you will find all available KLB colour charts for our floor coatings, coloured quartz sands, pigments, etc. Please note that the colours shown are not binding as only intended to provide a general orientation and may deviate when viewed on the screen. To get a more accurate impression of the colour image, we recommend that you request a sample of the desired covering in the selected colour for your specific building project.


This low-emission design flooring can be produced in the most unique way and opens up decorative possibilities for an individual floor coating with a personal touch and colour sche...

Colour chart KLB-NaturaPUR PU 435

Available in many trendy colours, the sustainable coating KLB-Natura PUR PU 435 is a decorative, low-emission flooring made from bio-based raw materials with the special characteri...

Colour chart Floor Sealer colour overview
Colour chart FLOOR SEALER for elastic subfloors

Our KLB FLOOR SEALER products in their numerous colour variations enable the economical renovation of existing surface coverings (e.g. PVC, vinyl, linoleum, rubber, rubber stud cov...

Colour chart for decorative trowel coatings with KLB-SYSTEM EC 450 DECOR
Colour chart EC 450 DECOR

EC 450 DECOR can be used to produce decorative trowel coatings. This colour chart contains all colours available for EC 450 DECOR.

Model EPDs - Environmental Product Declarations
Model EPDs - Environmental Product Declarations

Sustainable building has become increasingly important in recent years and will continue to do so in the future. This generates higher demands for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for chemical building products. The German Construction Chemicals Association ("Verband Deutsche Bauchemie") has developed model EPDs for all relevant product categories, which have been certified by the Institute for Construction and Environment ("IBU - Institut für Bauen und Umwelt"). Here you can find the downloads for the sample Environmental Product Declarations according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804.

Muster-EPD Umweltproduktdeklaration für Methacrylatharzprodukte, hochgefüllt, Mörtel
Model EPD - Products based on methacrylate resin, high filled, mortar

EPD-DBC-20190117-IBE1-DE - Model EPD - Environmental product declaration - Products based on methacrylate resin, high filled, mortar - according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804

Muster-EPD Umweltproduktdeklaration für Produkte auf Polyurethanharzbasis oder Silanmodifiziertem Polymer
Model EPD - Products based on polyurethane or silane-modified polymer, group 1

EPD-FEI-20220021-IBG1-EN - Model EPD - Environmental Product Declaration - Products based on polyurethane or silane-modified polymer, group 1 - according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804

Muster-EPD Umweltproduktdeklaration für Produkte auf Polyurethanharzbasis oder Silanmodifiziertem Polymer
Model EPD - Products based on polyurethane or silane-modified polymer, group 2

EPD-FEI-20220106-IBG1-EN - Model EPD - Environmental Product Declaration - Products based on polyurethane or silane-modified polymer, group 2 - according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804

Muster-EPD Umweltproduktdeklaration für Produkte auf Polyurethanharzbasis oder Silanmodifiziertem Polymer
Model EPD - Products based on polyurethane or silane-modified polymer, group 3

EPD-FEI-20220107-IBG1-EN - Model EPD - Environmental Product Declaration - Products based on polyurethane or silane-modified polymer, group 3 - according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804

Instructions on the transport of hazardous goods and occupational safety
Instructions on the transport of hazardous goods and occupational safety

The transport of dangerous goods in cars or trucks is daily practice in the commercial sector. Drivers are confronted with complicated transport regulations. Our guidelines briefly explain the legally binding framework and are intended to point out facilitations and exemptions for certain small quantities. It has been compiled with great care. Nevertheless, KLB cannot be held liable neither for the accuracy of the information, notes or advice provided, nor for any printing errors.

Arbeitsschutz mittels chemikalienbeständigem Handschuh
Information for Occupational Safety

In addition to the provision of safety data sheets for each of our products, some regulations apply with regard to occupational health and safety, which are due to the listed laws ...

Gefahrgut-Kennzeichnung mit einem Aufkleber auf Eimern
Transportation of Hazardous Goods

Regulations and handling rules for the transport of hazarous goods with reference to the labelling of the packaging, UN number, danger symbols and dangerous goods classes, securing...

Guidelines for transportation

Regulations of goods transport for forwarders and drivers with reference to registration, address and gate of the company, time delivery, acceptance of goods and the rules regardin...

klb fachbetrieb nach whg tüv süd zertifizierung
WHG-certified specialist company

Certification by TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH of KLB Kötztal Lacke + Beschichtungen GmbH as a specialist company according to WHG (German Water Protection Law), in accordance ...

OHRIS certificate
OHRIS certificate

The OHRIS certification (Occupational Health and Risk Management System) monitores KLB's tailor-made management system for occupational health and plant safety. With OHRIS, the pro...

Certificate DIN EN ISO 9001

We are certified according to the most important national and international standard in quality management – ISO 9001:2015. This common standard sets the rules for KLB to continu...

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