Multi-purpose, versatile, individual: the optimal solution for your project.

Why choose reactive resins for industrial flooring?

Floors made of reactive resins offer a long-term, economic and effective solution: you can benefit from resilient and safe flooring systems which make the change of coverings quick and easy. That is why reactive resins are particularly ideal for renovation projects.

Multiple applications

Reactive resin coverings are suitable for industrial and commercial use as well as for private living areas. When considering the movement and expansion joints, even larger surfaces can be fitted with seamless floorings. Thanks to a great variety of – also combinational – product characteristics, KLB coatings can be used for any conceivable sector and scope of application.

Effective handling, quick installation

Jointless reactive resin coverings are quick and economical to lay. In addition to functional properties, a wide range of colours and designs is available to fulfil high decorative demands. Renovation times can be kept to a minimum, allowing your business to be effectively continued.

High performance

Industrial floors made of reactive resins have a good mechanical wear, are robust, impact or shock-resistant, and can be produced in different slip-resistance grades. Besides being jointless, hygienic and cleanable, the coatings can also be designed to have several other properties. The right floor is economical and long-lasting.

Our KLB systems have many advantages

The right solution for every requirement

Our comprehensive product portfolio gives you a wide range of design options and always the right answer to your flooring requirements. Whatever you have in mind, you can count on our assistance for your project at any time.

In addition to the need for technical performance, you will find floors that fulfil high visual demands – but also a broad spectrum of products with both properties.

Visible success instead of invisible risk

Our perfectly adapted system solutions provide a high degree of reliability for facing every challenge. Our coatings have the advantage that the system components designed by our research and development are perfectly compatible with each other in a way that their individual characteristics can play out their strengths in the whole system.

We are therefore able to guarantee your building project a smooth processing and floors that offer optimum performance.

Innovative systems and pioneering products

The market for floor coverings has evolved over the years. Our R&D department is driven by high requirements for technical properties and low emissions within sustainable construction projects. Many of our products are tested and certified as environmentally friendly.

We are not only working on improving existing products but also on bringing forward the development of new technologies and compositions for our products to meet the highest quality standards.

Build-up of system

  1. Coloured matt sealer KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 806 E
  2. Top coat KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 425 Comfort
  3. Impact sound-absorbing intermediate layer KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 430 Silent
  4. Primer KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 57, openly scattered with quartz sand KLB-Quarzsand 0.3/0.8 mm
A customised floor system for your project.

Configure your individual floor system so it is tailored to your project’s specific demands. If there should be several options available, you can compare the systems in more detail.

Get to the System Finder

Special solutions

Very specific and also strictly controlled properties often determine the choice of flooring systems. We always have a suitable solution for this as well.

Floor Designer

Try out and find your favourite design.

KLB floor systems do not only offer a wide variety and choice of functional solutions. Also when it comes to visual appearance, there are hardly any limits set to your creativity and individuality. Just get in and try it out. Have fun!

Get to the Floor Designer
Bildschirm-Screenshot des Produktfinders auf der Homepage vor blauem Hintergrund


Abgestreuter Boden einer Großbäckerei mit Hochregallagern
On the floor, get set, go! Fast installation with PU 5000 RX

Very rapid-setting, slip-resistant and solvent-free 2-component polyurethane scattered coating with good colour stability for areas with medium mechanical and chemical load in indu...

  • Innovation
Gebinde des neuen fugenlosen Designbodens mit dem KLB-SYSTEM PU 414 FLAIR
Jointless design floors with PU 414 FLAIR

The low-VOC polyurethane coating KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 414 FLAIR is ideal for creating highly decorative surfaces that give every room an individual and unique FLAIR.

  • Innovation
Ecological floor coating KLB-NaturaPUR PU 435 with linoleum and cork look

The KLB-NaturaPUR product range focuses on bio-based and renewable raw materials such as vegetable oils, plant fibres, wood and cork granulates as well as mineral fillers. The natu...

  • Innovation
ESD Boden in einer Produktionshalle für elektronische Bauteile
EP 212 ESD: now low-emission with tested quality

Our electrically conductive KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 212 ESD not only convinces with its proven, consistent quality, but is now also available in a low-VOC formulation and battery room...

  • Innovation

Working with KLB

Beyond processing: important information and tips for handling our products.

KLB-daily construction site report

This template helps to make the daily documentation of the construction site more efficient and faster.

Material calculation

This is how you can quickly and easily calculate the material requirements for your individual building project.

Checklist: applying reactive resin coatings

This category provides you with a checklist for finding out which KLB system is most suitable for you.

KLB-Informationsblatt Transport-Leitfaden
KLB-guidelines for transportation

Our guidelines briefly explain the legally binding framework as well as facilitations or exemptions for certain small quantities.

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