Conductive coating in a car repair shop

Structured coating made of epoxy resin and SIC scattering for a high mechanical robustness.

Assignment and requirements

Hustle and bustle in the “Jacobs” car workshop: a large number of vehicles are being repaired here every day, which places heavy mechanical loads as well as friction and shear forces on the flooring.

Particularities and challenges

When the new building was coated in 2020, the requirements for the floor were clearly specified: high mechanical load-bearing capacity, electrical conductivity in some areas as well as a certain resistance to leaking oils, brake fluids, etc.

The solution

The now four-year-old conductive epoxy SIC structured floor within System F5 KLB CONDUCTIVE EP EX SIC is characterised by its mechanical robustness and high abrasion resistance. The light structure on the surface provides non-slip properties, but still an ease of cleaning.

In order to protect the sensitive electronics inside the vehicles from electrical discharges, some areas were coated with the conductive KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 233 EL+, and an underlying cross-conductive layer. After four years of use, the coating is still in very good condition and therefore highly economical and robust in the long term.

The Project

Category: Car workshop
Area size: 5,000 m²
Area type: Conductive epoxy resin SIC structured coating
Completion: December 2020

Build-up of system

  1. Top coat with KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 233 EL+ and the addition of KLB-Siliciumcarbid 0.3/0.8 mm
  2. Conductive layer KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 799 Ableitgrund, with copper strip KLB-Kupferband attached underneath
  3. Scratch coats with KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 52 Spezialgrund and mixed sand KLB-Mischsand 2/1
  4. Primer KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 52 Spezialgrund
The object shown has a special build-up. The installation technique and product composition for this flooring was developed and implemented by our customer. The tested and proven KLB systems provide a reliable basis for many such out-of-the-ordinary applications. For special circumstances or if you have individual design requirements, you can also optionally supplement or adapt our systems with other products from our high-quality portfolio. KLB consultants will be happy to answer any technical questions you may have. You can find KLB systems recommended by us on our website at:
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More references

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