Floor coating applied onto tiles

Jointless flooring instead of tiles: renovation with a hard-wearing and flexible PU coating.

Assignment and requirements

With careful preparation of the substrate and the choice of a suitable flooring system, renovating old coverings such as tiles does not pose any problem at all. In the mountain and valley stations of the Tegelberg cable car in Germany, a flexible and highly robust polyurethane resin coating was applied to the existing tiling.

Particularities and challenges

The cable car is used by hikers, skiers and snowboarders both throughout the winter and summer months. Due to the constant traffic, only a very hard-wearing surface would be suitable for this type of use. Pebbles, walking sticks or ski poles and boots all demand good mechanical stability and abrasion resistance from the floor.

At the same time, it had to be impervious to liquids and chemically resistant. Particularly in winter, de-icing or road salt require the covering to be resistant to chemical substances.

The solution

The installed K2 KLB PARKING PU OS 11a system offers high wear resistance and fulfils the strict requirements for surface protection in accordance with the TR maintenance directive based on OS 11a. Thanks to the elastic intermediate layer KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 5530, the coating is statically crack-bridging and promises a long service life.

Its anti-slip surface contributes to the reduction of slipping accidents. At the same time, the system is visually appealing thanks to the light stability of the top sealant.

The Project

Category: Cable car stations
Area size: approx. 300 m²
Area type: Entrance and waiting areas, sanitaries
Completion: 2020/2021

Systemaufbau des Oberflächenschutzsystems K2 KLB PARKING PU OS 11a mit Grundierung, Kratzspachtelung, elastische Zwischenschicht, Verschleißschicht und Kopfversiegelung

Build-up of system

5. Top sealer KLB-SYSTEM POLYUREA PU 5580

4. Wearing layer with KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 5560, fully scattered with quartz sand KLB-Quarzsand 0.3/0.8 mm

3. Elastic intermediate layer with KLB-SYSTEM POLYURETHAN PU 5550

2. Scratch coat with KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 5530 and reinforcement fabric KLB-SYSTEM ZUBEHÖR Armierungsgewebe VA 1040

1. Primer KLB-SYSTEM EPOXID EP 52 Spezialgrund

Old existing tile covering

To system K2

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More references

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